
Hi! I'm a blogger and a spiritual life coach!

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Jumpstart Your Day: 3 Morning Must-Do's 🌄

Hello Reader, Happy Leap Year Day! (Is that how you say it?) I've been traveling these past few weeks, and while I love most things about seeing new places and having new experiences, I really miss the routine of my mornings at home. So, I thought I would share 3 things I try to do every morning to embrace the day ahead (and hoping it gets me motivated to do these while I'm traveling too!): Gratitude: Before you even think about hitting snooze or reaching for your phone, take a moment to...

Hello Reader, I want to share with you something amazing that happened this week. I have been spending more time journaling in the morning. One of the things I do is ask the universe for guidance. Sometimes I ask for something specific, and sometimes I just write, "What guidance do you have for me today?" Then I write whatever comes to mind. Some of it is from my own mind, but a lot of it is from my higher self. Words that just come to me and I write them down without thinking. Earlier this...

Hello Reader, How are you doing? Are you happy or are you waiting for something to happen before you say you're happy? Today, let's talk about fully accepting things as they are. It may sound simple, but embracing acceptance can have a tremendous impact on our lives. Imagine what it would be like to stop wishing things were different and truly accept every aspect of your life as it is right now. Rather than constantly fighting against reality, acceptance allows you to find peace and...

Hello Reader, Let's start with the bad news. 43% of people quit their New Year resolutions before February 1. So, at any time during the year, you set a goal, there are high odds that you will quit within a month. So, why would you set goals and have big dreams, if there is such a low chance of achieving them? Now to the good news. You set goals and have big dreams because you know things that others don't. You know that you don't have to do things alone, you have the power of the universe to...

Hello Reader, Happy Thursday! When this email gets sent out, I will be on my way to Arizona to visit my son. I'm hoping to bask in some warm sunshine. But I know that a trip to warmer climates is not on everyone's schedule, so during this winter season, I want to share some valuable insights on how you can stay ahead of the winter blues and make the most of this time of year. Embrace the Power of Light: During the darker months, natural light becomes scarce. Take advantage of every...

Hello Reader, I hope you enjoyed the last few weeks of the holidays! I spent some precious time with my husband, kids, grandchildren, and family. (Yes, I said grandchildren! My brand new granddaughter Emelia Noel was born on December 12th. A blessing for sure. So far, her brother Mason is keeping his distance, but I'm sure they will be fast friends.) Back to why I'm here... The new year gets me pumped up. I love a clean slate. A chance to start fresh and think about what I want. My last radio...

Hello Reader, As a creator and writer dedicated to helping women unleash their potential, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power that lies within each of us. Imagine if every woman had the tools and knowledge to tap into her own greatness, manifest her dreams, and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment. By gifting someone with resources on spirituality, personal development, self-care, and more, you are providing them with a roadmap to unlock their highest potential....

Hello Reader! I hope this email finds you in good spirits.😉 I wanted to chat with you about something that tends to make people raise an eyebrow - spirituality. But fear not, my friend, for I'm here to break down the barriers and make it a light-hearted conversation. Now, I have to admit, spirituality can be a bit intimidating. It's like trying to find our place among the stars while also remembering to buy groceries on the way home. But let's not take it too seriously, shall we? In our...

Hello Reader! We have been up at our cabin in Northern Wisconsin since last Friday for the 4th of July, so my days are all mixed up. But since I'm sending you an email today, it has to be Thursday, right? This past weekend, we had so much fun celebrating dream dinner and my grandson Mason's 2nd birthday. (Yes, it has been two years already, and for those of you who don't know, dream dinner is the prize for winning our family's fantasy football league. Ryan won, so he got to pick his "dream...

Hello Reader! Be the creator! Lately, I've had some doubts and have talked to others with confusion about how they envision their life. But it doesn't have to be hard. It starts with recognizing what brings you joy, doing more of that, and then paying attention to what comes your way. If you still feel confused, schedule a complimentary call to see if I can help. Have a marvelous week creating your amazing life! P.S. The above poem is part of my...